Home Renovation Heroes is launched…
The name “Home Renovation Heroes” came to me about nine days ago, and since then, I have managed to launch a new website, begin search engine optimization, order new business cards, and have been going to every networking event available.
Why am I doing this? Mainly because I am very excited what we offer home sellers. We aim to make home sellers far more money on the sale of their house than they otherwise could have. It’s quite simple what we offer…
We will remodel and/or update the home and carry the cost of it until the closing sale of the home. Our goal, and what we have done consistently in the past, is increase the sale price of the home FAR BEYOND the cost of services.
If you want to check out the new website right now you certainly can..
Dan, Tim and I have over 12 years of experience renewing and updating homes, because we have flipped over sixty homes together. We have garnered the reputation for doing the highest quality flips in Beaver County. We will soon have the reputation for building the highest quality homes in Beaver County. The three of us care deeply about quality, and we strive for perfection. Only one Bitar Home is built per year so it’s a very special thing to be an owner of one.
A few weeks ago I talked to the guys about scaling back on the painting business and focusing more on doing remodels like the one we did for a couple who owned a house on Bechtel Street in Monaca. You can read all about the project by clicking on this link which will take you do the Home Renovation Heroes blog.
We essentially made the home owners of the Bechtel property an EXTRA $70,000 on the sale of their home. They gave us full reign on the design of the remodel, all the way down to the hardware on the kitchen cabinets. They didn’t have to make one decision. I gave them a fair quote, completed the job on time, and waited until the closing sale of the home to be paid.
Several times, the owner Laura, said to me “Who are you and where did you come from?..thank you for doing this.” Was it heroic what we were doing?… not exactly but it kind of felt like it to Laura.
She couldn’t believe the crew and I were remodeling her house so she would get top dollar for the sale of it. When we finished remodeling, it was put on the market and sold in two days for above asking.
I told Dan and Tim that this is what we should do more and more. That is, help home owners sell their home for top dollar by going into the home and doing what we have done for the past 12 years. It’s like second nature to us at this point. Every home is different but we know fairly quickly what the scope of work should be to offer the most value. Furthermore, I am happy to carry the cost of the remodel as most homeowners might not have the capital for such repairs. Dan and Tim agreed that the three of us should fill this need for home owners.
When we get a side project, we basically hop off the build, rescue a home and then go back to the build.
Home Renovation Heroes is now officially on the map and I am excited to help homeowners in Beaver County, Butler County and Allegheny County.
Oh and I should say I know of a really good realtor. That would be myself, Brandon Bitar.
Thanks for reading. I’ll leave you with a few pics…
Back in medical school in early 2009.. I had no idea I would be flipping homes a few years after this pic was taken. This was the white coat ceremony… I left med school my third year and decided I would flip homes full-time. I had no crew and was in $135,000 of debt. I remembered this good contractor who had worked on the home I grew up in on Evergreen Trail in Chippewa… I gave him a ring after I had bought my first flip house… the rest is history.
Dan lost a bet and had to do this to his hair…. Stoeky is always amusing himself.
Dan Hagensen..aka the Hagenator on one of our many flips in the past.
Stoeky having fun in our new dump trailer.